Category: Savings
Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
For UK residents, one of the most effective ways to minimise tax on investment returns is through an Individual Savings Account (ISA). These accounts are a 'tax-efficient wrapper', safeguarding your interest, dividends and capital gains from taxation. Whether your financial goals are short term or long term, ISAs can provide the flexibility and security you need.
The Top 10 Fundamentals for Successful Investing
Investing serves as a mechanism for amplifying your wealth. It can assist you in expediting the repayment of your mortgage, augmenting your retirement savings or safeguarding your child’s financial future. However, before you invest your money, be ready for a long-term engagement. Read our full guide on our top 10 fundamentals for successful investing.
Our Guide to Protecting Your Family, your Biggest Asset
Life is unpredictable and filled with a multitude of potential risks. By understanding and selecting the right insurance policies, you can confidently navigate life’s uncertainties, knowing that you’ve taken steps to safeguard your and your family’s financial wellbeing. Read our full guide to protecting your family, your biggest asset.
Our Guide to Individual Savings Accounts
Investing in an Individual Savings Account (ISA) is a tax-efficient, flexible method for future planning. One of the most attractive features of an ISA is its tax benefits – it’s immune to both Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax on any growth within the fund or on income you withdraw. This makes contributing to an ISA an intelligent decision for those looking to grow their wealth while minimising tax liabilities.
Missing out on unclaimed money that could be in your pocket?
According to recent research, higher rate and additional rate taxpayers in the UK leave millions of pounds of pension tax relief unclaimed yearly. This amounts to a staggering total of £1.3 billion over a five-year period. This unclaimed money could be in your pocket instead!
A guide to saving and investing for the next generation
Investing in your child or grandchild’s future is a thoughtful and responsible step towards securing their financial stability. In the UK, initiating an investment early for a child makes sense and can be highly beneficial in the long run.
Mastering Your Financial Future: The Power of Cash Flow Modelling
Investing can feel like navigating uncharted territory, particularly for those new to the field. With many options and strategies available, it's crucial to grasp what you aim to achieve with your investments clearly.
Guide to Individual Savings Accounts
Time is running out to take advantage of this year’s Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowances. On 6 April when the new tax year starts, if you haven’t used all of your or your children’s ISA allowances from the previous tax year, it will be lost forever. Check out this guide to Individual Savings Accounts.
ISA 2020 Allowance – Use it or Lose it!
Whatever you’re putting money aside for, there’s likely to be a role for Individual Saving Accounts, or ‘ISAs’. An ISA is a way of holding savings or investments without paying personal tax on interest received or on the growth of your investment. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced saver, we can help you get the most from your 2019/20 ISA allowance...
Managing Risk
Many retirees are at risk of overlooking their pension finances by falling into an avoidable trap, according to new research. A third (36%) of people keeping their pension invested through retirement could be hit harder by falling markets as they do not have a cash safety net to fall back on, research has found. And even though two thirds (64%) of retirees are holding cash in reserve...
Exploring your ISA Options
The end of the tax year on 5 April is fast approaching,so make sure you’ve made the most of your annual allowances before it’s too late. No matter what, why or how you want to save and invest, an Individual Savings Account (ISA) could help make your money work harder for you..
Making Solid Financial Resolutions
The new year is the perfect time to overhaul your life for the better, and one excellent place to start is by making solid financial resolutions that can help get you closer to your money goals, whether it’s increasing your retirement savings or setting enough money aside for a down payment on a house...
Savings Black Hole?
Millions of Britons could see their savings shrink, as they don’t know how to shield them from the threat of rising inflation. Currently, UK savers are hoarding over £60 billion in cash for long-term savings and investments, which stands to be eroded by £1.5 billion this year, as a result of higher inflation...
Turbocharge Your Pension
If you’re still working, what kind of life would you like to lead when you’ve said goodbye to the 9-to-5? Saving for your retirement is essential if you want the financial freedom to enjoy your later years. After all, you’ll still want to do all the things you love now – and probably a few others too...
Market Sentiment: Reaching your long-term investment goals
It is impossible for investors to predict the future. Short-term losses can be unsettling, but holding steady through the ups and downs is the best way to reach your long-term investment goals. A key to successful investing is to remain focused on your long-term objectives and not let short-term trends distract you...
Long-Forgotten Pension Plans
If you’ve worked for two or three different employers, it’s possible you could have a workplace pension from each of them. You might also have set up a personal pension, so they can add up quickly. So how do you manage them properly? It’s time to consolidate…
Guide to Retirement Planning
The pension freedoms rule changes mean that we’ll be increasingly in charge of our pensions, both while we’re building up our retirement pot and when we start to draw an income. It’s therefore more important than ever to plan our retirement saving from an early age...
A Guide to Independent Savings Accounts (ISAs)
When it comes to creating and maintaining the right investment strategy, we can provide the professional advice, comprehensive investment solutions and ongoing service to help you achieve your financial goals whether you are looking to invest for income or growth, or both...
Safeguarding Wealth for Future Generations
Although often in the news, Inheritance Tax (IHT) is still not widely understood. That’s worrying, because it affects thousands of families every year. If you thought IHT was just for extremely wealthy people to worry about, think again. The amount of IHT collected has doubled over the last five years...
Mid-Life Savings Crisis?
Put simply, retirement planning is about how you look at your future, but more than a million Britons are facing a ‘mid-life savings crisis’ as they near 40 with no retirement savings...