Tag: Money

Transfers Exempt From Inheritance Tax

When contemplating estate planning, it's pivotal to grasp the nuances of lifetime transfers and the significant impact of the 7-year rule. Gifts made during one's lifetime are classified either as Potentially Exempt Transfers (PETs) or Chargeable Lifetime Transfers (CLTs), based on the nature of the gift and its recipient, unless the gift falls under an exemption. This distinction is crucial for anyone aiming to navigate the complexities of Inheritance Tax efficiently.

/ 2nd July 2024

Establishing a Power of Attorney within your estate plan

The significance of an estate plan transcends the mere distribution of your assets after your demise. Integrating a Power of Attorney (POA) ensures that a trusted individual is empowered to make decisions reflecting your best interests when you're not in a position to do so.

/ 18th June 2024

Enhancing Pension Contributions For A Brighter Future

Contributing additional amounts to your pension stands to benefit you significantly in the long term. We explore in our blog different ways you can enhance your pension savings for a brighter future.

/ 5th June 2024

New Pension Tax Framework

The implications of these changes will largely depend on individual circumstances, such as the aggregate value of one's pension savings, any prior withdrawals from pension schemes and existing lifetime allowance protections.

/ 23rd May 2024

What Will Your Legacy Look Like?

Effective IHT planning is a careful balancing act. It’s about ensuring you can live comfortably and meet your care needs while also considering how to pass on your wealth in the most tax-efficient way. Navigating these complexities can be challenging, but it’s entirely manageable with open communication and careful planning.

/ 24th April 2024

The Top 10 Fundamentals for Successful Investing

Investing serves as a mechanism for amplifying your wealth. It can assist you in expediting the repayment of your mortgage, augmenting your retirement savings or safeguarding your child’s financial future. However, before you invest your money, be ready for a long-term engagement. Read our full guide on our top 10 fundamentals for successful investing.

/ 9th April 2024

Our Guide to Protecting Your Family, your Biggest Asset

Life is unpredictable and filled with a multitude of potential risks. By understanding and selecting the right insurance policies, you can confidently navigate life’s uncertainties, knowing that you’ve taken steps to safeguard your and your family’s financial wellbeing. Read our full guide to protecting your family, your biggest asset.

/ 2nd April 2024

ISAs: End of Tax Year Reminder

This time of year presents an opportune moment to examine both your personal and business finances to ensure they are structured to optimise your tax efficiency. Despite the ongoing freeze on many tax rates and thresholds, numerous strategies remain for organising your financial matters tax-efficiently. We've outlined some of the key areas in which you are able to make the most of tax-saving measures before the deadline arrives:

/ 8th March 2024

Spring budget 2024

Jeremy Hunt delivered his fourth statement as Chancellor of the Exchequer with a Budget focused on long-term growth and improving domestic prospects. The biggest issues that he looked at addressing included productivity, taxation and domestic market support.

/ 7th March 2024

Our Guide to Individual Savings Accounts

Investing in an Individual Savings Account (ISA) is a tax-efficient, flexible method for future planning. One of the most attractive features of an ISA is its tax benefits – it’s immune to both Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax on any growth within the fund or on income you withdraw. This makes contributing to an ISA an intelligent decision for those looking to grow their wealth while minimising tax liabilities.

/ 6th March 2024

Vizion Wealth named one of the UK’s Top Rated Firms 2024

We're thrilled to announce that Vizion Wealth has been named one of the UK’s Top Rated Firms 2024 by VouchedFor. This recognition highlights our dedication to providing our clients with the highest quality financial advice and support.

/ 29th February 2024

Our Guide to Year-End Tax Planning

As we approach the end of the tax year on 5 April 2024, it presents an ideal opportunity to assess and leverage the various allowances and reliefs available to enhance your tax profile. Allocating time for this review can provide valuable insight into potential opportunities for you and your family.

/ 26th February 2024

Are you aware of the changes to the State Pension?

The State Pension is set to increase commencing on 6 April 2024 due to a mechanism known as the ‘Triple Lock’. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced an increase of 8.5%, which pensioners will welcome.

/ 7th February 2024

Our Guide to Making A Will

We often avoid thinking about the inevitable, but planning ahead is crucial, especially when it comes to securing your loved ones’ futures. Writing a Will isn’t just a legal formality; it’s a way to ensure your assets are distributed per your wishes and your family is cared for even when you’re not around.

/ 1st December 2023

10 reasons to get your tax return filed now

Filing your tax return early offers many benefits, from avoiding penalties and reducing stress to maximising eligible deductions and protecting against identity theft.

/ 2nd August 2023

Normal Minimum Pension Age Update – what you need to know

A significant change is on the horizon that may affect when you can access your pension money. We’ll guide you through this change and its potential implications, so you can confidently prepare for retirement.

/ 19th July 2023

Taking a personalised approach

No matter what stage of life you’re in, it’s never too early or late to start planning for your retirement. By taking a personalised approach, you can develop a retirement plan that will work for you throughout your life.

/ 29th June 2023

Passing on assets Tax-efficiently

Are you concerned about the impact of Inheritance Tax (IHT) on your estate? It’s natural to want to leave behind a legacy for your loved ones, but without the right plan in place, a significant portion of your wealth could be subject to Inheritance Tax. With IHT affecting more and more families, it’s crucial to be proactive and plan accordingly. In most cases, it’s better to begin Inheritance Tax planning as early as possible in order to ensure that your estate is adequately protected. Investing in other options like trusts or leaving money to a registered charity may also provide...

/ 2nd June 2023

Spring budget 2023

The Spring Budget 2023 was delivered by Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, on March 15. Among key changes announced were those made to pensions, aimed at making it easier for individuals to save for their retirement and encouraging retirees to return to work.

/ 30th May 2023

Wealth Succession

Financial planning can be a daunting and uncomfortable conversation for many, but thankfully attitudes towards talking about money are changing. Wealth succession should be an integral part of your financial plan as early as possible – because the right preparation now can have positive long-term impacts on future generations.

/ 29th March 2023