How to give them more opportunities for life.

Investing in the future of your grandchildren is a great way to help them prepare for their financial needs in life. By setting aside money now, you can provide them with added security and increased opportunities in the years to come.

Investing for grandchildren can be used to help fund college tuition, make a down payment on their first car or home, or even start a retirement fund.

The earlier you invest, the more time your funds have to grow and compound over time. This means that a relatively small contribution today could lead to much larger returns over the long run. Furthermore, it’s important that you consider professional advice when making decisions about investing for your grandkids. This will enable you to take advantage of

all available tax deductions and legal rules that could make your investment even more beneficial to your grandchildren.

Helping a grandchild prepare for their financial needs in life 

By investing for your grandchild’s future, you can provide peace of mind knowing that you are helping them prepare for their financial needs in life. Not only will this give them the chance to pursue their dreams and goals, but it also allows you to create a lasting legacy that will be remembered for years to come.

Investing now may help ensure a bright future for your grandchildren. In addition, investing is an effective way to pass down wealth from one generation to the next. This can help reduce Inheritance Taxes due on large estates and enable families to retain more of their assets into the future.

No tax is due on any gifts you give if you live for seven years after giving them

As well as providing your grandchildren with financial support, investing can also be an effective way of reducing an Inheritance Tax liability. Gifting out of surplus income is a strategy for reducing an Inheritance Tax liability when investing for grandchildren. This involves gifting money from any excess income generated over and above what you need to cover your day-to-day living expenses No tax is due on any gifts you give if you live for seven years after giving them – unless the gift is part of a trust. This is known as the seven-year rule. If you die within seven years of giving a gift and there’s Inheritance Tax to pay on it, the amount of tax due after your death depends on when you gave it. When making gifts out of surplus income, it’s important to ensure that the money is treated as a gift and not used as an investment.

Just one way to reduce your Inheritance Tax liability when investing

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has very specific guidelines on what constitutes a ‘gift’, so professional advice should be sought before gifting any money to your grandchildren. We can help you create an effective Inheritance Tax mitigation strategy for investing for grandchildren that meets all relevant legal requirements.

Gifting out of surplus income is just one way to reduce your Inheritance Tax liability when investing for your grandchildren; there are other options available too. It’s essential that professional advice is sought in order to find the best approach for your individual circumstances.

Putting money into a pension could be an ideal solution

If you’re looking to build long-term wealth for your grandchildren, putting money into a pension is an ideal solution. However, there are some limits that you should know before taking this route. The earliest your grandchild can access the money in their pension is age 58. Therefore, it’s important to think about how much time you have to allow the investments to grow and compound interest over the years until they reach adulthood.

You can open a Junior Self-Invested Personal Pension as soon as your grandchild is born. It’s protected from Income Tax and is usually exempt from Inheritance Tax, too. You can pay in a maximum of £3,600 a year (tax year 2022/23) and the government will top it up by 20%, up to £720 a year – so that maximum contribution will actually only cost you £2,880. If you start investing in a Junior Self-Invested Personal Pension at birth, then by age 58 a child or grandchild will have had 38 years of growth potential if contributions are made regularly. This should help build significant capital which can then be used as desired once mature enough to do so.

A highly tax-efficient way to save or invest for the future

Junior ISAs (JISAs) are another option. A Junior ISA is an Individual Savings Account that can be opened by anyone on behalf of a child under the age of 18, when they can gain full access to it. A Junior ISA is a tax-efficient way to save or invest as it is free from any Income Tax, tax on dividends and Capital Gains Tax on the proceeds.

The Junior ISA subscription limit is currently £9,000 for the tax year 2022/23. This means that if you start investing in a Junior ISA when your grandchild is young, by the time they turn 18 they could have had considerable growth in the funds you have contributed towards. It also allows you to make sure that any money that you have saved for them is in a secure environment, with professional money management.

A children’s savings account also provides an easy and convenient way to start investing in your grandchild’s future. These accounts come with various features that make them ideal for long-term investments, such as tax-free growth on earnings and no contribution limits.

HM Revenue & Customs has very specific guidelines on what constitutes a ‘gift’, so professional advice should be sought before gifting any money to your grandchildren. We can help you create an effective Inheritance Tax mitigation strategy for investing for grandchildren that meets all relevant legal requirements.

A Junior ISA is an Individual Savings Account that can be opened by anyone on behalf of a child under the age of 18, when they can gain full access to it. A Junior ISA is a tax-efficient way to save or invest as it is free from any Income Tax, tax on dividends and Capital Gains Tax on the proceeds. 

Maturity needed to responsibly handle any money 

Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose how much money you want to invest and when you want to add or withdraw funds from the account. With these advantages, children’s savings accounts provide a secure and practical option for diversifying a child’s portfolio.

When investing for your grandchildren, professional advice should be sought to

ensure that all legal requirements are met. It is important to consider the legal ownership

of the money and when your grandchild will become eligible to access it. Consideration should also be given as to whether your grandchild will have the necessary skills, knowledge and maturity needed to responsibly handle any money they may receive.

Safeguard your grandchildren’s financial security

Parents or guardians should take advice in order to make informed decisions about what is best for their child’s long-term financial future. By taking our professional guidance you can ensure that you are making the best decisions possible when investing on behalf of your grandchildren. Taking the time to make it part of your annual review will give you peace of mind knowing that you are taking steps towards building a solid financial foundation for your grandchildren.

With professional guidance, you can tailor an investment strategy specifically for them. Investing in their future today can have long-term benefits as they grow into adulthood. Start planning now and make sure your grandchildren’s future is secure. 

Wouldn’t it be great to put some money away that could grow with them? 

Becoming a grandparent is a very exciting time. And it’s natural that many grandparents want to be involved with their grandchildren’s lives, both practically and financially.

Who are Vizion Wealth?

Our approach to financial planning is simple, our clients are our number one priority and we ensure all our advice, strategies and services are tailored to the specific individual to best meet their longer term financial goals and aspirations. We understand that everyone is unique. We understand that wealth means different things to different people and each client will require a different strategy to build wealth, use and enjoy it during their lifetimes and to protect it for family and loved ones in the future.

All of us at Vizion Wealth are committed to our client’s financial success and would like to have an opportunity to review your individual wealth goals. To find out more, get in touch with us – we very much look forward to hearing from you.

The information contained in this article is intended solely for information purposes only and does not constitute advice.  While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information contained on this article has been obtained from reliable sources, Vizion Wealth is not responsible for any errors or omissions. In no event will Vizion Wealth be liable to the reader or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information provided in this article.

Posted by Andrew Flowers

Andrew is the managing partner of Vizion Wealth and has been involved in the offshore and onshore financial services industry for over 25 years. Andrew was the driving force behind Vizion Wealth after years of experience in a number of advisory roles within high profile wealth management, private banking and independent financial advisory firms in the UK.

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